- Interested in becoming a member? Here are some things you should know about the band.
“The Good Trouble Brass Band is a large, not-for-profit, “raucous, stomp-your-foot-and-belt-out-the-choruses” activist New Orleans-style street band based in Somerville and Cambridge, Massachusetts.” Our mission is to fight for social justice causes and support community events while having fun and spreading joy through our music.
We have no leader, and all musical and other decisions are made democratically by discussion and voting with a desire for consensus. In the absence of a leader, and knowing that everyone’s availability is different and changing, members volunteer to take on different leadership roles, such as arranging rehearsals, running monthly band meetings, responding to gig requests, etc. usually on a yearly basis.
Full-time members
Full time members agree to keep their availability for our weekly rehearsals held in Somerville, MA and for any band gigs that are posted on the gig-o-matic. Anyone can suggest a gig, or a song, or volunteer to lead a rehearsal or performance, and is encouraged to seek help and guidance from other band members. Full time members should make weekly rehearsal attendance and band gigs a priority but subject to your availability.
Prospective Members
These are the steps to becoming a member:
- When a prospective member contacts the band they are pointed to the band’s mission statement and are requested to seriously consider their commitment to that statement.
- If the prospect is still interested, the appropriate section is informed of the prospect’s interest.
- That section decides on whether to invite the prospect and then decides who should be their mentor to help them get oriented, help with repertoire where necessary, and explain to them, with regrets, if they don’t work out.
- The band as a whole is informed of the process and invited to let the mentor know if they have any concerns.
- If there are no concerns, the prospect is invited to 3 rehearsals.
- If, after the 3 rehearsals, the section has approved the new member then the band discusses that prospect’s prospects and accepts or rejects the new member.
- The prospect’s mentor informs the prospect of the band’s decision.
- If approved, the mentor arranges for the prospect to be added to the mail list and Gig-O-Matic.
If a prospective member contacts the band but the section doesn’t currently need another member the prospective member's name can be added to our Prospective Members Spreadsheet for future consideration. At other times due to attrition or general need, and there are no candidates in the Spreadsheet, a section and/or the band can start searching for a candidate and when one is found the following process is followed.
Still Interested?
If you like our mission, the way we run the band and can commit to the members responsibilities, or just want to know more about the band, send us an email.