Band Roles 2023
Activist Outreach: Reebee, Matt - Outreach to activist and community groups to propose coordinate gigs or other collaborations (Role to be further developed.)
Book: Paul, Ryan, Sarah - Adding new charts, maintaining online book, making sure charts that are posted are correct
Communication with Prospective Members and Maintenance of the Prospect List: Laura - Respond to initial inquiries from prospective members, inform section of prospective member inquiry, maintain the prospective members list.
- Email (external): Ken - Responds to and
- Band Email Lists: Paul - Administrate/Moderate internal band email lists and
- On Boarding Paul - Add new members to GroupMe, gig-o & email lists
- Gig-o-matic Paul, Jean - Administer the band's Gig-o-matic account
Finances and Accounting: Trudi - Bookkeeping, banking, depositing and writing checks.
Inclusion Committee: Angie, Laura, Micha, Michael, Reebee - Actively think about the communities we are playing in and expand community outreach where we are playing.
Adding New Gigs to Gig-o: Jason, Ken, Reebee - Setup a gig-o for each event, act as contact or solicit other band member(s) as contact with event organizers, update gig details and directions on gig-o-matic at least 24 hours before the gig, announce gig confirmations and cancellations on a timely basis.
Issue Resolution Committee (IRC): Charlo, Doug, Ken - (3 or 4 band members are elected at large and change on an annual basis.) The IRC role is to serve as a safe, confidential place for band members to bring issues of concern: personal, interpersonal, or involving the group as a whole. The IRC may offer advice, speak to involved parties, or bring problems before the full band at the monthly meeting. The IRC also:
- calls and facilitates monthly meetings,
- sends out meeting notes,
- facilitates the annual Roles and Responsibilities turnover which will next take place in January 2023.
Rehearsal Coordinators: Jason, K-Jeff, Laura, Michaela, Ryan - Make rehearsal gig-o's; for outdoor rehearsals decide on location, check the weather and cancel no less than 1 hour before practice; call for rehearsal list suggestions; facilitate rehearsal. (We usually begin and end or rehearsal set lists with fun, familiar tunes, and practice newer material after we are warmed up and before we are too tired.)
Media/Social Media Updating:
- Facebook: ? - Post Band News items that will be fed into the new website in the Band News section.
- Instagram: Jason, Dinny, Michaela
- YouTube channel: Geoff, Jean, Reebee, Ryan, Charlo - Manage and maintain our YouTube channel adding videos as they become available.
Web Site Updates: Doug, Jean ( Keep our web pages up to date with photos, videos, etc.; update the Band Roles page each year with the latest names; review web site Members Only list to make sure there aren't non-band members signing in.
Ad Hoc Roles
Roles band members can step up to do at any time
Gig Coordinator: Takes on the responsibility for a gig from the time of the initial request until the gig itself, which includes communications with the requestor and the band.
Gig Leader: Takes on responsibility for all aspects of the gig itself including determining the set list and leading or coordinating the leading of gig tunes.
Rehearsal Tune Leader: Steps up to lead a tune or tunes during a rehearsal.
Pitching New Tunes: Suggesting a new tune to the band which usually includes preparing charts and arrangements.
Mentor: The band provides each new member with a seasoned member of the band to help orient them to Second Line. This is to help them learn the norms of the band, answer any questions they may have and teach them our book.