![thumbnail image](https://custom-images.strikinglycdn.com/res/hrscywv4p/image/upload/c_limit,fl_lossy,h_630,w_1200,f_auto,q_auto/2666583/668915_107620.png)
Band Roles 2023
Book: (Jean, Paul, Ryan, Sarah) - Adding new charts, maintaining online book, Making sure charts that are posted are right.
Email (Band Lists): (Paul) - Administrating/Moderating internal band email lists (secondlinebrassband-discuss@googlegroups.com & secondlinebrassband@googlegroups.com
Email (External): (Brian, Ken) - respond to secondlinebrassband@gmail.com and info@secondlinebrassband.org; Setup a gig-o for each event; solicit band members to be gig contacts (see role in Ad Hoc section)
Finances and Accounting: (Trudi) - Bookkeeping, banking, depositing and writing checks. Please note that the finances are viewable to all band members here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/125Op70UnGU3EDoN0rjcKm37tFq0He3X3wLndbKxaSlo/edit?usp=sharing
Gig-o-matic (Paul) - administering the band's Gig-o-matic account
Issue Resolution Committee (IRC): (EJ, John Bell, Laura) - responds to emails from irc@secondlinebrassband.org. 3 or 4 band members are elected at large and change on an annual basis. Its role is to serve as a safe, confidential place for any of us to bring issues of concern: personal, interpersonal, or involving the group as a whole. The IRC may offer advice, speak to involved parties, or bring problems before the full band at the monthly meeting. The IRC also calls and facilitates monthly meetings and sends out meeting notes and reminds the band of the Roles and Responsibilities. Turnover in January.
On Boarding (Paul) - add new members to GroupMe, gig-o & email lists
Prospective Members: (Brian) Respond to initial inquiries from prospective members, communicate with prospective band members, inform section of prospective member inquiry, keep track of auditions, and maintain the prospect list spreadsheet. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oh6Jhb43yzKe3rSigcKvDrBjwew08vFoF4TkTk-PIW0/edit#gid=0
Rehearsal Coordinators: Aleksandra, K-Jeff, Sarah (Sarah is April start) - Great for 3 people. Take turns coordinating for one month at a time. Make rehearsal gig-o's, check the weather and cancel no less than 1 hour before practice; call for rehearsal list suggestions; facilitate rehearsal (see below for details). (We usually begin and end or rehearsal set lists with fun, familiar tunes, and practice newer material after we are warmed up and before we are too tired.) Maintain this spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fsr5DQf_IG1dxypvtHsDDYrjI7OeJwkP1R3srQmqo5Q/edit?usp=sharing
- 1st Tuesday: 7-7:45 rehearse, 7:45-8:30 monthly meeting
- 2nd Tuesday: Follow the leader practice (songs with multiple parts work. Or we could just always use New Orleans music and encourage new leaders to try leading)
- 3rd Tuesday: Sectionals
- Prioritize songs in upcoming gigs (or at least think ahead of time if a gig still doesn’t have a leader and we only have one rehearsal prior to it, getting leaders to commit incase they want to run songs at rehearsal, or work on some “leaderless” songs).
- Tune after the warmup song.
- Play songs multiple weeks in a row.
- Play new songs every week. If pressed for time, alternate them.
- Prioritize playing over talking whenever possible.
- Remind leaders to tell us if they want feedback or not.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Subcomittees
Activist Relations+Outreach: (Abbey, Jean, Michael S) - outreach to activist and community groups to coordinate gigs and other collaborations. Consider creating a promo pack for our band to get the word out that we exist.
Inclusion Committee: (Laura, Micha, Rayyan) - Identify an organization that can work with us to identify our needs in order to become more inclusive to marginalized groups, both within and outside the band itself. Continue momentum of educating ourselves and identifying our group and individual needs when it comes to antiracism gender equity, and other efforts to become more inclusive.
Band Name Change Committee: (Aleksandra, K-Jeff, Paul, Sammo) - Continuing from our listening panel on 12/20/2022, decide on a fair process moving forward to change the band name. Potential methods: ranked-choice voting; a meeting with people can “pitch” their favorite names
Band Diversity Committee: (Abbey, Kaleb, Rayyan) - make deliberate efforts to increase diversity in the band; ensure that attribution posts are sent to the band and posted monthly; ensure that song attributions are made at gigs, etc.
Attribution Authors 2023
Jan 2023 - Reebee
Feb 2023 - Sammo
March 2023 - Aleksandra
April 2023 - J-Jeff
May 2023 - Abbey
June 2023 - Kaleb
July 2023 - Rayyan
August 2023 - Micha
Sept 2023 - Paul
Media and Social Media
Facebook updating: (Kaleb, Jean, Lee) Post Band News items that will be fed into the new website in the Band News section. And make sure the attribution posts get made+posted each month!
Instagram updating: (Kaleb, Lee) …and make sure the attribution posts get made+posted each month!
YouTube channel: (Kaleb, Lee) (has not been done in many years, needs someone)
Photo/Media Manager: (Kaleb, Jean, Lee) Watch for social media posts of band pics and videos, actively solicit from audience who are taking pics or filming during gigs, maintain band media archive (in Google Drive). This is needed to make sure we have updated pics for our new web site as well as for responding to media requests, for HONK! festival organizers when we’ve been invited to play, etc.)
Technology Coordinators: (Sammo, Jean) Manage access to SLBB web-based tools and provide recommendations for improvements on how we use technology.
Web Site Updates: (Paul, Jean, need more so pls step up!) (slbb-web@googlegroups.com) Keep our web pages up to date with photos, videos, etc.; update the Band Roles page each year with the latest names; review web site Members Only list to make sure there aren't non-band members signing in.
Ad Hoc Roles
Roles band members can step up to do at any time
Gig Leader: Determines setlist far enough in advance for band to practice tunes beforehand, leads, and coordinates leading of gig tunes.
Gig "Tactical" Coordinator: Takes on the responsibility for a gig from the time of the initial request until the gig itself, which includes communications with the requestor and the band. Communicate with event organizers, update gig details and directions on gig-o-matic at least 24 hours before the gig, announce gig confirmations and cancellations on a timely basis.
Mentor: The band provides each new member with a seasoned member of the band to help orient them to Second Line. This is to help them learn the norms of the band, answer any questions they may have and teach them our book.
Pitching New Tunes: Suggesting a new tune to the band which usually includes preparing charts and arrangements.
Rehearsal Tune Leader: Steps up to lead a tune or tunes during a rehearsal.